Joseph Cordes

Professor Cordes received his Economics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1977. He has been on the faculty of The George Washington University since 1975. He was a Brookings Economic Policy Fellow in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, US Treasury Department in 1980-81. From 1989-1991 he was Deputy Assistant Director for Tax Analysis at the Congressional Budget Office. Professor Cordes currently directs the University's Ph.D. Program in Public Policy, and is an Associate Scholar at the Urban Institute. Professor Cordes is a member of the National Tax Association, and the American Economic Association.
Dr. Cordes is co-editor of the Encyclopedia of Taxation and Tax Policy (Urban Institute Press). He has published articles on tax policy, government regulation, and government spending in Economic Inquiry, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Finance, Journal of Law and Economics, National Tax Journal, Public Finance, Research Policy, Eastern Economic Journal, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Journal of Urban Economics, Space Policy, and the American Economic Review. He has been a contributor to The Economics of Technological Change on Employment and Growth (Ballinger), State Taxation of Business (Praeger), Labor Market Adjustments in the Pacific Basin (Kluwer-Nijhof), Cooperative Research and Development: The Industry-University-Government Relationship (Kluwer-Nijhof), and Readings in Public Policy (Basil Blackwell).