DoD’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) and The Risk Management Framework (RMF) in support of government agencies

Chakib Jaber, Spin Systems Inc. (SpinSys) - CSPRI Presentation

March 26, 2020

PLEASE NOTE: This event was held as a webinar through Webex. Attendees were asked to RSVP to Dr. Hurriyet Ok to register for the talk. The full presentation is included below for download.

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Mr. Jaber will provide an overview of both the new Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) and the Risk Management Framework (RMF) currently leveraged by Department of Defense (DoD) contractors in support of cyber security efforts. The DoD built upon existing Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 252.204-7012 regulation and developed the CMMC as a “verification component” with respect to cybersecurity requirements. CMME will require all DoD contractors to become certified by passing an audit and eventually become a requirement for any organization administering contracts or subcontractors within the DoD.

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Chakib Jaber, CTO at Spin Systems Inc. (SpinSys)


As the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at SpinSys (, Chakib manages all of SpinSys’ development teams by ensuring their full integration into the company’s organization, and directs software product strategy, software development, and product deployment. As a founding member of SpinSys and his service as an executive team member, Chakib is a key decision maker in the management, architecture, and development of numerous client/server and web-based applications, including medical data records management, trading, accounting, and mortgage systems. With over 20 years’ experience in enterprise software design and architecture and development, Chakib is also a subject matter expert in the development of financial, legal, and medical software systems. Chakib holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from George Mason University, and a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and a Bachelor’s degree with a double major in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from the State University of New York.